Spanish Mackerel was the main game along the Forgotten Coast this last week and at times you needed to elbow your way in at the sea wall along the St. Joe Marina. Clark Spoon Mackerel trees seemed to be the most effective bait for the week with double and triple hook-ups for some anglers. These are normally viewed as a trolling rig but with a little weight on the end clip they are very castable from the shore. I tried a Gotcha Plug as well along the wall but was out done by the Clark Spoon rig. There is also another lure that is doing fairly well and it's called the Coho Killer. All of these lures and rigs are available at BlueWater Outriggers. Consult with the sales staff at BlueWater for these and other rigs that will help you have a successful day on the water. As a reminder the BlueWater Outriggers annual tent sale is just a few weeks away April 6th and 7th and is not to be missed. So plan now to join us for shopping, fun, fishing tips, major vendors and food. Until next week Happy Fishing !

Bobby Scarbrough
Bluewater Outriggers