Hello anglers and readers,
It's been awhile but we are still here!
Bluewater Outriggers and the Piggly Wiggly are OPEN for business ! We took a bit of a beating and we had boats in the parking lot but we are back. Fishing has taken a back seat to recovery for the moment but I assure you that Port St. Joe and the surrounding area will be back and stronger than ever. We encourage your support and prayers as our town moves forward and rebounds. Many of our employees suffered either major loss or complete loss of their homes yet they have pulled together to get us up and running. We plan to have the biggest and best holidays yet here at Bluewater and the Piggly Wiggly. God has blessed us and we will be here for our customers as always. We will do our best to pick up on our weekly fishing report as we gather information. Until next time Happy Fishing !
Bobby Scarbrough
Bluewater Outriggers