Post Hurricane Michael fishing has proven to be good in some areas and not so good in other areas. We are going to hit the high spots in this report and give you some much needed info that will be helpful when boat fishing. As most everyone knows our Marina in St Joe and of course the Marina in Mexico Beach have been devastated. There is an active clean-up process going on in Mexico Beach to remove debris from the Canal's and Marina areas and hopefully within a few weeks to a month we may be able to launch again from there. The city launch in St Joe is open. Now we must stress that anywhere you launch from at this time you must use extreme caution. There is untold debris in the shallows and even in deeper water in the bay. We have already seen parts of homes, sunken boats and appliances in many areas. So make sure you slow down and pay close attention to your navigation in the bay. Let's talk about the fishing end, for the last several weeks the Highland View bridge has been the hot spot with plenty of Redfish, Trout and some very nice Striped Bass have come from that area. Live shrimp and Vudu Shrimp Natural or Magic have been the top producers in that area. We had gotten a few positive reports for Trout over at the Town Beach area as well. As we continue to gather fishing and Marina and boat ramp info and pass it along here.
Until next time, Happy Fishing !

Bobby Scarbrough