I know I have been quiet for a while anglers but there just has not been a lot to talk about. Trout has been closed for the month of February, we've had up and down weather including plenty of days of high winds and frigid cold. Well let's dive in this week. There actually had been a pretty active Trout month in February even if it was catch and release. Most reports however were plenty of shorts had they been legal at all. My good friend and fine fishermen Capt. Lee Thompson says that Black Drum has been pretty active with some large fish being taken. Sheepshead has still been slow but a few have been taken as of late. I have seen a few photos of some nice Pompano coming off the beach in Mexico Beach.
Capt. Lee right now is using fresh dead shrimp for the Drum and the Sheeps. This means buy live and put them on ice.
If you've never used this method, I assure you that's a good bait. Trout in our area will reopen March 1st so folks are looking forward to that. In a few short weeks we'll be heading in to warmer weather and warmer water and the action will surely warm up with it. Until next week. Happy Fishing !
Bobby Scarbrough